It’s was the first Monday after meeting her. He wasn’t sure what caused him to look her up. In the back of his mind he knew his good friend was interested in her, but that didn’t matter. There was an invisible force pulling him. He only knew her first name, thankfully it was not very common at my company. He looked her up on the companies instant messenger. It was his lucky day, she was online. He added her to his contact list and stared at the green glowing icon that indicated she was online. He sat at my desk staring at that little green dot for a few minutes thinking of a casual way to start a conversation. “Hi,” he typed. She replied, “Hello.” “I had fun last night,” he replied. “I wasn’t sure this was you but there aren’t many Jadies in the company, how do you pronounce your last name,” he inquired. He had never seen the name before, it was short and one syllable. It was probably the most boring conversation they would ever have, but at least it gave him a reason to talk to her. He honestly does not remember the rest of the conversation. It was actually cut short by the arrival of his tyrant boss. She was a miserable pile of woman, barely five feet tall with a permanent scowl, and had a extra large diet coke permanently attached to her hand. Her eye liner was always somehow smeared, leaving raccoon like circles around her eyes. She walked over to his desk and barked her orders for the day, then retreated to her desk. Today he didn’t mind, even his bosses cloud of misery could not ruin this day. He messaged her throughout the day, being new we there were thousands of reasons to talk to her. That day was a blur, but it was the first of many great conversations.