Chapter 14 – Understanding and Desire (part one)

There are days he will do anything to see her. Loving her, loving her completely can easily drive you mad. The most impossible challenge in loving her is balance. The balance of not wanting to know all her secrets. Tbe balance of knowing when to hold her tight and when to let go. The balance of not fading away into the desire she inspires. Since they have met, in the years that have past there has been love, there has been desire, and there has been a deep understanding within him. Despite it all there has always been something missing. Their stars have always been misaligned. Today, however, that has changed. His vision has cleared. In fact over the past few months there has been a momentum building inside him.

Today she invited him to dinner. It’s a special day, the two are celebating his completion of his degree. These days time she has many competing priorities. He knows time with her is scarce, he feels lucky to have her booked for an entire Friday night. He has a few hours to kill before meeting her. Not wanting to fight traffic in Los Angeles on a Friday he stops at his favorite bookstore, which is conveniently near her. Ever since his childhood he’s loved bookstores. As far as he can remember this has been his sanctuary. All those thoughts, those pages, with all those words, all that knowledge and imagination contained in one place is more beautiful than almost anything he’s seen, except of course her. Today even his favorite bookstore is shadowed by the aniticipation of seeing her. Today every book might as well contain only one word, Jadie. Walking past the various sections he finds excuses to think about her. Walking by the photography section, history, poetry, greeting card, blank journals, and even the chidrens books inspire thought and memories of her. He thinks of her interest in photography, or how she always handwrites her thank you cards. He think of the yellow journal she bought once, or the books she reads to her nephew. He thinks to himself, “she would think I’m obsessed if she could hear my thoughts today.” The truth is not obsession, he knew with obsession you want have an unreasonable desire to posess something. His love is not unreasonable, and honestly he just wants to love her. If anything he’s possessed, not obsessed. “I would be greedy to ask for more”, he says trying to convince his desires to die. He has always wanted more. He knows he will always want more, but thats just the curse of loving her. She is the type of woman inspires desire, and makes you feel alive.

He checks his phone for time and realizes his agonizing wait is over, he can finally start making his way to her house. Making his way by memory, he makes his way past all the nameless sidestreets. Past all the familiar landmarks, and street lights, until finally the corner house with the cobblestone wall, which is his signal to turn. Just two more blocks after the turn but even that seems like an eternity knowing what awakes him at the end. Pulling into her driveway he sits for a few moments looking up at her kitchen lights. He sits looking up at his north star. He can hear music and movement in her kitchen. Looking up at her kitchen windows he’s lost momentarily in the happiness and sadness of the moment. At this point I do not have to waste time defining his happiness, but I will explain his sadness. He’s sad because he knows as soon as he walks through her door he will have to pretend. He will have to pretend his heart doesn’t race when she hugs him. He will have to pretend that the rest of the world hasn’t stopped existing when he sees her, and he will have to pretend his heart doesn’t exist for the next few hours. Of course he will have his moments of weakness. He will have moments where he accidentally looks a little to deep into those eyes. He will have moments where he fades away while he tries to memorize the beautiful contours of her face, or moments when he makes the fatal mistake of looking at those lips and wonders if he would cease to exist if he had just one taste. All this would drive any normal person crazy, but there is another side to this love. Besides the desire there is peace. Peace in her existence, and this gives him strength.

He walks in greets at first trying not to get too close, or spend too much time in those eyes. He needs time to build his strength. “What do you want to drink,” she asks. “I’ll have what you are having,” he replies. She’s drinking wine, he’s thankful for the drink, it will slow his mind. Handing him a glass of wine she asks if he is hungry hinting that she isn’t hungry due to a large lunch. Even though he didn’t eat he says,”I’m not that hungry either.” The truth is that when he is around her its hard to want food, other stronger desires take over and trival needs like food or air take a back seat to what she provides. She tells him he’s crazy for feeling what he feels, so he keeps thoughts like this to himself. He knows she is just trying to let him down easy. Women say these things when they are not interested. He’s tried to stop loving her so much. He really has but nothing can convince his stubborn heart to give up on its dreams. For years he has known he has loved her, he’s alwauys wanted her and this will be true until he dies. Late at night when the world is quiet he admits to himself this love will only grows. This is always his last thought as he closes his eyes for the last time that day. Sitting watching the movie he sits content with the world. This is all he will never need. Halfway through the movie and after a bottle of wine his suppressed hunger starts to compete for attention.

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